The project “Agro-tourism business academy – a support system for small and medium-sized enterprises” was launched at the initiative of organizations from Bulgaria and Greece.
The project partners, Eurointegra Association, Prosperity and Development for Bulgaria Association and Agrientrepreneurship organization, have extensive experience in the field. The two previous projects “Danube Winery Places” (CBC Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013) and VINESOS (INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 20014-2020) are an extremely good basis for upgrading and using the already achieved results and successes.
“Danube Winery Places” set the stage for the development of wine tourism. It provided new opportunities for the development of the tourism industry, wine producers, winegrowers, tour operators, wine merchants and restaurateurs. During the project, 10 sommelier trainings were held, in which more than 300 professionals in the field of restaurants and hotels participated. An interactive wine list, a trilingual multimedia tourist guide was created. Two business tours were held in Bulgaria and Romania in order to exchange experience and good practices. A Bulgarian-Romanian wine festival was also held, which opened the Romanian market for Bulgarian wines, as well as the Romanian market for Bulgarian wines.
On the other hand, VINESOS was aimed at protecting vineyards, especially those in Natura 2000 and improving the conservation status of local grape varieties. Through analysis and scientific work, mechanisms were created to protect and preserve species.
The current project “Agro-tourism business academy – SME support system” is based on this stable foundation. In addition to access to specialized training, part of the digital academy, winemakers and vine growers will receive young plantings completely free of charge. It is planned to create 2 experimental fields for the cultivation and distribution of seedlings for the winegrowers. Research and analysis will be conducted.
One of the significant results of the project is the development and establishment of experimental fields for local vine varieties and production of young plants. Businesses will receive planting material to reintroduce local branding. It is expected that at least 30 farmers from Bulgaria and Greece will receive their new plantings by the end of the project implementation. The varieties that will be particularly emphasized on the Bulgarian side are: the local varieties Melnik 55, Shiroka Melnishka Loza, Rouen and Keratsuda.
You can request your participation at the email addresses below. For additional information related to the Digital Business Academy for Agro-tourism, the innovative application aimed at tourists and businesses and other news related to the project – follow the official page on Facebook