The foundation was laid by the EuroIntegra’s project “Danube Winery Places”, co-financed by the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Romania – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013, in the period 28.06.2012 – 30.06.2012 was-organized and implemented the first winery, in which participated more than 25 Bulgarian and Romanian wineries. The project “Danube Winery Places” managed to create a new image and a joint tourism policy that will lead to significant development of the region in the field of viticulture and wine production. EuroIntegra’s team is extremely grateful to the Mayor of Ruse for his efforts Danube VINARIA to become an annual forum for transnational cooperation. We wish this tradition to remain in history in the city of Ruse and in the history of the program CBC Romania – Bulgaria 2007-2013. For the third consecutive year a Blue & Wine EXPO 2016 in Ruse will be organized and implemented.