The project “Agro-Tourism Business Academy – SME Support System” has budget of 503,838.25 EUR and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the national funds of the participating countries in the Interreg V-A Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020″.
The cross-border region between Greece and Bulgaria covers the regions of Evros, Kavala, Xanthi, Rodopi, Drama, Thessaloniki, Serres and in the districts of Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, Kardzhali, Haskovo.
One of the main objectives of the project is to support the tourism and agricultural sectors. Entrepreneurs in the field will get access to specific trainings, a new themed smart application, a Digital Academy and more. For more information on upcoming events and initiatives, follow the Lead Beneficiary’s profile.
The project is the idea of several organizations from Bulgaria and Greece with successful previous experience in developing and implementing actions in the tourism and agricultural sector. The leading partner is “Eurointegra” Association and partners on the Greek side is Agrientrepreneurship organization with extensive experience in the field. Another Bulgarian partner is Association Development and prosperity for Bulgaria.
The planned initiatives contribute positively to increasing the competitiveness at local and international markets by presenting exceptional products – organic wines from local varieties, bio-agro-wine tourism products and others. The special varieties that will be on the focus during events and trainings have their own history and terroir. It is these varieties that offer exclusivity of flavors and aromas that attract the attention of consumers of premium goods. In this way, through the development of a niche market in the cross-border territory of Greece and Bulgaria, unique biological products will be presented, part of the bio-agro tourism sector. Choosing a niche and unique product leads to extremely good business development.
Project participants will have the opportunity to get to know and enter new markets, expand their production and increase production capacity.
For more information regarding upcoming events and initiatives, you can contact us at:eurointegrasofia@gmail.com
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