“ICT – a force for change in education”, the project is co-funded by the CBC Programme Romania – Bulgaria 2007 – 2013, funded by the EU through the European Regional Development Fund. The total value of the project is 1 458 808.80 euro.
The project follows the worldwide tendencies in the educational sector, which require modernized methods of teaching in the schools of the CBC region Romania – Bulgaria. By means of integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into 4 schools in the region, Eurointegra Association gave a boost towards a more effective education for the Bulgarian and Romanian students from the schools, partnering in the project. An investment in ICT for educational purpose was made and also a good model for a CBC partnership was demonstrated, regarding the cooperation for achievement of a European standard. Together with the Romanian partners, 10 school cabinets in total were equipped in both countries and an e-learning platform was created, called SWOBLE, in order to facilitate the pupils in the process of studying. Thereby, the educational system in the region achieved a very high level of international competitiveness.
More information: http://ictdaskalo.eu/index.php/bg/